WHITE PAPER Bridging the Gap: A Practical Guide to Enhancing Efficiency Across Clinical and HIM Services Link
Case Studies Streamlining Prior Authorizations with Automated Electronic Submissions Slashes Turnaround Times Link
Case Studies Near-Shore Clinical Administrative Services Recover $12M+ in Annual Revenue from Denied Claims Link
Accounts Receivable, Claim Management, Denials Management and Prevention, Underpayment Redefining ROI in Denials Management Link
Claim Management, Denials Management and Prevention, Outsourced Services, Payment Collections, Payment Posting, Revenue Cycle 6 Best Practices for Managing a Hybrid EBO Staffing Model Link
Claim Management, Denials, Denials Management and Prevention, Revenue Cycle Analytics Custom Reporting Dashboard Reveals Denial Trends and Enables 7% Increase in Clean Claims for Multispecialty Group Link
Accounts Receivable, Claim Management, Revenue Cycle, Underpayment Underpaid Claims: Navigating the Challenges Link