How AGS Helped a Major Healthcare Provider Stabilize Aged Accounts Receivable (A/R)

A major healthcare organization was short-staffed and struggled with aged commercial payer accounts. They selected AGS as their partner for account receivable management.

Initially, AGS received aged accounts at 120 days. The opening inventory was around 20,000 accounts with a total balance of $2.5MM.


  • Significantly short staffed
  • Aged received accounts were trending at 120 days


AGS deployed an experienced team of A/R experts who:

  • Prioritized rejections, denials, and accounts approaching timely filing limits
  • Mined data and underpayments as they pertained to payer contracts
  • Improve front-end processes by identifying and resolving the root causes of the problems


of aged receivables resolved within 6 months of outsourcing with AGS.


of days in A/R were reduced. The organization elected to outsource all denials from date of posting.

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