Code Auditing

DISCLAIMER: The AGS AI Platform Audit module requires prior implementation of CAC, CAPC, or CDI modules.


Ensure Compliance. Perform Comprehensive CDI and Coding Audits with Ease.

With increased regulatory scrutiny and the continuously shifting landscape of rules and regulations, healthcare organizations and their revenue cycles face mounting pressures. Profit margins are being squeezed while valued reputations face increased risk. To help ease these burdens and ensure compliance, AGS Health offers a fully integrated auditing solution to support CAC, CAPC, and CDI users.

Code Auditing

Audit Case Selection

Advanced case-search and selection features enable case sampling across a variety of parameters.

Detailed Audit Reports

Generates an automated Audit Report for audited cases with a code-by-code comparison of the coder and auditor versions.

Coder Feedback Center

A collaborative platform for reviewing where coders can chat, review changes, and compare feedback on claims.


Code Auditing Features and Capabilities

Intelligent Audit Worklists

Focus your attention

Charts are queued for auditing automatically and prioritized based on the likelihood of finding a discrepancy in the audit.

Conduct concurrent auditing

Audit your charts and coding before they are sent to billing without holding up the process.

Concentrate on audits that matter most

Create separate lists for ongoing audit programs and share access with more coders for distributed audit support.

Automatic Audit Suggestions

Assess predicted coding versus actual

Compare our suggested coding to final coding to automatically audit charts with significant variance.

Spot missing documentation

Identify charts that are missing typical documentation to audit before final coding or billing.

Perform targeted specialty audits

Automatically trigger an audit based on a given specialty, provider, or coder. Perform this before billing or retrospectively.

Actionable Audit Reporting

View and compare chart data with ease

Gain a visual display of diagnosis and charge code changes between the original coder and auditor with an opportunity for dispute.

Track audit results quickly

Easily identify providers that are not responding to queries in a timely fashion, and see what queries are not needed based on provider feedback.

Highlight educational opportunities

Review the variance you see between CDI coding assumptions and actual coding going out on claims.

Case studies
CAC Implementation improves hospital revenue by $1.03MM
Case Study
CAC Implementation improves hospital revenue by $1.03MM
University Medical Center of El Paso Selects EZDI, an AGS Health Company
University Medical Center of El Paso Selects EZDI, an AGS Health Company


Dig deeper into Code Auditing


Seamlessly integrate your legacy systems with ease.

More Technology

AGS Background

Intelligent Authorization

Automate your financial clearance processes through to improve efficiency, lower costs, avoid authorization-related denials, and enhance the patient financial experience by expediting access to necessary services.

Autonomous Coding

Achieve true coding autonomy through advanced artificial intelligence and award-winning services in one seamless, effortless solution.

Computer-Assisted Coding

Increase the productivity of your facility and professional fee coding while cutting denials, missed charges, and low risk scores by making critical decisions faster.

Computer-Assisted CDI

Automate the review of clinical documentation and queries without using a single spreadsheet.

Revenue Cycle Automation Analytics

Manage and forecast your automated revenue cycle management workflows for peak performance.

Analytics & Reporting

See your data like never before without the constraints of your EHR reporting capabilities.

Clinical NLP APIs

Natural Language Processing APIs that enable you to extract meaningful clinical entities from bundles of unstructured data, seamlessly.

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Let’s transform your revenue cycle today

When you create a high-performance revenue cycle, you’re finally free to invest your full resources into what matters most: the care of your patients.

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