White Papers

The Evolution of Coding: Understanding How Technology is Assisting Us

In a few short decades, coding and coding technologies have transformed from code manuals, paper files, and typewriters into a highly specialized digital cloud-based process bolstered by predictive analytics, artificial intelligence (AI), and natural language processing (NLP).

Pre-1980, coding was a paper-based, error-prone, inefficient system with few real alternatives as PCs and other technologies were financially out of reach for all but the largest healthcare facilities. All that changed with the technology boom of the 1980s. That, followed by the years-long transition to ICD-10-CM/PCS, forever altered how and how much patient information was collected and managed.

In this white paper, AGS Health experts reflect on the history of coding and coding technologies to better understand where we are today and the direction that new innovations are taking us tomorrow. Key focuses areas include:

  • The rise and impact of encoder and computer-assisted coding (CAC) technologies, and EHR and patient data management systems
  • How ICD-10-CM/PCS became the tipping point for adopting the coding technologies of today, including Clinical Documentation Integrity (CDI) tools and NLP-enhanced CAC
  • Integrated cloud-based AI-enabled CAC and auditing platforms and predictive analytics
  • Adoption of predictive analytics and the potential already demonstrated by continued advances in AI
  • Emerging coding technologies including “coding alert” systems, bots, and autonomous coding

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